Monday 31 December 2012

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year to everyone!
This day and night I wish you spend with your family and friends and after midnight you will have amazing party!!!!

From where I come (Latvia, Russian origin) we say - the way you spend your new year night will be the way you spend the following year. So let it be filled with loads of smiles, happiness and love!!!

As for me, we are going with my hubby to the friends party. It will be a little test for me, as I plan to stay fully raw and sober! For that reason I plan to take a jar of juice, melon and some grapes with me. And for the guests I will make raw sharon fruit cupcakes. Recipe will follow in the next blog with photos.

Friday 28 December 2012

Healthy hair post.

So one day I was fed up paying huge amounts of money to the beauty organic industry for the shampoos and conditioners. Of course first I have stopped using all main stream stuff, that contains chemicals like SLS etc. I moved to natural shampoos but they cost double or more sometimes. So then I have decided to try “No poo” method (when using baking soda and water as a shampoo, and apple cider vinegar with water as conditioner). But instead of just baking soda shampoo I use home made shampoo that I have found online. 

I found a fantastic option, simple, easy, soapy, natural and cheap – who doesn't want that?

So here is the recipe that I now use:
1 cup of Dr Broner Pure castile oil
1/5 cup of water
2 table spoons of Organic apple sider vinegar
10-15 drops of any essential oil that you like (I used yilang yilang)
Mix it all in a bowl and transfer to an empty shampoo bottle.

For a conditioner I use:
3 table spoon of Organic apple cider vinegar
1-1/5 cup of water

I wash with shampoo as with the normal shampoo, then I apply the conditioner and wait for a few moments and wash it out thoroughly. 

I must admit the first time I washed the hair I applied the Aubrey conditioner, and my hair was a bit rough and greasy. The second time I washed my hair with this method it got better - my roots are very soft and shiny, but the ends are still a bit rough and greasy and feeling dirty. The third time I washed my hair it was pretty much the same story, but last night when I washed my hair they became more soft throughout. Only a small portion of the ends were still sticky/oily/dry kind of thing.  Well, I am impressed! I started giving up on it already, but now I want to try this method for a little bit longer and see if my hair will be shiny and silky.